Sunday, March 1, 2009

Actors Journal #16 - IPP + Check, Please


We spent the first period running yet another IB requirement. seems like we have endless writing assignments AND one teacher even commented that IB drama has more written assesment projects than IB english. WHAT?!
Anyway, overall again. Number #1, which is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. it is only your Portfolio that is being assesed. Not your objectives and how you achieved it. Not your success in your task. But the PORTFOLIO. meaning, you set a goal, yet at the end of the day, you fail to achieve, but the process of failure is well documentated may pass with flying colours for your IPP. First of all, when we have the IPP in mind, we have to set objective(s) that we intend to achieve through the independent project we are carrying out. The portfolio is actually about the preparation, finding out what we need to do to achieve the goals, what we actually DO to achieve those goals and how we determine we have achieved our goals aka SUCCESS! hee hee. simple. its the process, what the production does FOR you, instead of what it does TO you.
In an IP, we have to have at least have a fusion of two of the main elements in theatre, Theatre in The Making, Theatre in The World, and Theatre in Performance. The IP must result in an actual performance of some sort. Also, EVERYTHING in the introduction, body, conclusion and tribulation is to be considered in the word count of 2000 words. Textboxes are not considered.
Sorry if the information seems random, I just write them down as i go and how my memory serves me right.

Now to the other half of the lesson that contributed to me as an actor. Check, Please!

We did the scene again, through and through anddddd.....I'm beginning to feel a little bored with check please. I feel that we keep making the same mistakes! Sorry Michelle....but I sometimes don't feel like we click. Sometimes (well, maybe most of the time) it might be me, feeling tired and not in character. but bottom line, things just don't click. BIG PROBLEM. Phumi forgets to do stuff, anddddd yet again, is still so self concious. Trym....I can say he's awesome though! his energy. wow. i love it. I look at him and i REALLY REALLY think - 5 year old kid? hehe. he's great to work with Phumi again, haha. SO GAY-ISH. ESPECIALLY when he says "oh my god, the most hetro-sexual dating experience....STELLLLLAAAAAAAA!" hahaha. phumi. gotta work on that. oh but Ms.Marshall told me i need working on gaining more intensity in the dates. like work towards the climax when phumi calls me teri. HOW?! i need to look like i'm in love with phumi more! yesssss....i shall work on looking LUSTFULLY at phumi. haha. I think I need more action and movement when Mr.Moss gives me this most AWESOME part to play. I stand up, thinking of maybe punching phumi or something when i see the glass of water, examine it for a little while, then slowly yet surely pour it over his head. NICE. With Tilly......i'm supposed to act bored right?

Time ran short, and we couldn't finished it. Mr.Moss commented on some but he didn't get to me. I NEED THAT FEEDBACK or not i'll never really actually learn! heeeellllpppp

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