Monday, March 16, 2009

Actors Journal #20 - Dressed up


NO ONE BROUGHT THEIR COSTUMES TODAY. oh except Mark. And he's wearing red and black! Like me! We match and it is really really awesome. :D :D so glad I chose red and black.

Anyway, the stage is set up and abit awkward. The tables are too low for the chairs and there are no music, lights or props. And seriously....are the chairs the ones we are using for performance day? But whatever, its the acting that counts.

So we start and I can feel my energy sapping. Its like....a drain, or a toilet, and i'm being flushed down it. No one is in the mood or has one bit of excitement for what is yet to come exactly 7 days from today. I'm thinking it is replaced with anxiety? hmmmm.....oh well. all i can say is today felt terrible. Even my laughter scene with phumi felt awkward and uncomfortable.

Michelle is getting to be REALLY REALLY good at Louis. She is loud and obnoxious, and when Mr.Moss said "don't mind what she's doing." Michelle actually ignored me and went on blabbering her script and it WORKED SO WELL!!! She has to remember that feeling.......oh man.....

next. Phumi is getting better! AT BOTH ken AND brandon. He's really bringing it each time we practice. So i'm getting more and more comfortable in my scenes with him. Trym. I stil feel a bit uneasy about Tod. Sometimes he just gives me that blank look and I just feel lik giving it back too.....but, i have to be embarassed to be seen with him and try to get him to get that I don't want him near me. So i talk. rambling works a teeny bit. :P

I have to be more fluent in my lines with Tilly.

BUMPING scene with Mark needs work! I don't bump into him correctly and it is WEIRD. with capital ALL letters. ARGH. blocking blocking blocking! The blocking is so hard to do!!!!! But oh well, it'll work out eventually......

AND. they all like my outfit. yay :D

BIG PROBLEM=My mood effects my acting. How to get over thaaaaat?!

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