We set off today knowing nothing of what we are supposed to do. Yes we help backstage but what?! Anyway, we get there and its dress rehearsal so we watch as Mr.Moss and Mr.Colin Lamb (we call him Mr.Colin) set up the lights, the props and do a sound check. Honestly, the Malaysian sound system seems to be a little whack, first here was humming, then it there was no sound at all. Hmm?
So basically, what I learned, overall from this activity was how backstage helpers work. How they can't get KNOW where to place the props, but to understand why the props are placed where and what. Firstly, we had to somehow remember the placement of all the props. The basic need-to-know of being a backstge helper. But soon, after you know why the props are placed where they are, memorising it seems pretty redundant. I wrote down all the things required ON PAPER only to find out that I could remember them just by imagining the plot of the play. Being a backstage helper, you get to see alot, know alot and realise alot. We get to see just how nervous actors are before they go on stage. We get to see how they get INTO the role before even stepping onto the stage. We know they're parts (because Ms.Joelle had the script in her hands, ready to give them their cue) and when the actors mess up. But we always see just how they cover for each other, helping the lines get through easily. I realise that actors doing live performances do alot of IMPROVISATION and IMPROMTU changes in the script. It was like being backstage you view the stage from a whole different angle. It further opened my understanding about drama. It is an amazing art, and everyone involved in it, the stage crew, director, lighting crew, sound crew, set-up and prop design crew and actors all are ESSENTIAL in a succesful play. without one, the rest cannot function well. There's so much to learn, so much perspective to change depending on whose shoes you're in, but so much good solid knowledge to gain. Its amazing. I really thrive in these experiences.
Can't wait for tomorrow's show.
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