The preparation for the upcoming TAPS program took up most of our time. Mr.Moss filled us in on details of responsibility and worse-case scenarios, all part and parcel of our roles as the host of this ISTA program. I guess from this I didn't learn much as an actor, but from another point of view, you learn alot about responsibility and the hardwork it takes to host a program. OO.
So anyway, after all the briefing, we work on Check, Please. I was hoping to do the scene with the phobic guy and the overly romantic guy and thats what we did today! AWESOME. So while the others were working with Mr. Moss in the drama studio, me and Tilly ran through our parts outside, getting familiar with it, knowing it and learning to be comfortable saying it. I admit, during the weekend, I read thru it tons of times, and this time, I was actually listening to what Tilly was saying and it made things alot easier. FAMILIARITY. Thats a good thing.
Now after that, we got called in to do the part of Ken (phuminat) and Girl (me). OOOO. now this was exciting. Mr.Moss isn't like your everyday teacher, he is TOTALLY and THOROUGHLY into acting. he is good and he does what he does well. One thing I admire about him is the way he does things to make the scene more something that people would want to see. Its the way he overdoes things that catch my attention. Thats exactly what I want to do! But as the "girl" I don't get much exaggerating done. *sighs* But I'm working hard on this, trying my best to be comfortable with the part opposite mine, listening, hearing, and reacting naturally. I just love this scene! It is so natural yet exaggerated at the same time. I admit, its the first time I actually felt really comfortable in my part, doing stuff with my hands and body that felt right, and all that. BUT. one thing Mr.Moss said that made an impact, Asians find it hard to act using FACIAL EXPRESSION. yes. very true, I am SURE my face looked rigid and the same throughout the whole time. I used to do TONS with my facial expression, just cause I loved to feel the muscles in my face working, but today? Well, maybe I was just lazy. But now I know, FACIAL EXPRESSION. I must be aware of that. Ooops, and volume again >_< Mr. Moss said he'll make me lick his shit-stepped-in slipper if he couldn't hear me again. YA. gotta practice that.
Mr. Moss did change a line in my part though, making it funnier! *last line - Does this crap ever work?!* I think I learned about body movement through actual thoughts in my head. At the end part, I have to feel RAGE, and my body has to react to that to make it natural. And the positioning on stage is critical. I have to stop poking my ass in everyone's face and use upstage positions. Another good point for me to learn. But overall, I WISH I COULD DO PHUMI'S PART! its so fun. so much exaggeration, so much movement and FAKENESS. I AM SO ENVIOUS. I would be able to do that well. But since the aim of me going into drama is to learn things of the unfamiliar, I will do my part and I will do it well. The learning process is hard but one that is well worth its effort.
GOAL FOR TOMORROW : Volume. Stage position. Facial expression. comfortable-ness. Probable scene rehearsal - MANNY.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Actor's Journal #8 - and the tough gets going
Today's rehearsal was different. Mr. Moss was directing and his style of teaching is in a whole new dimension from Mrs. Marshall. Different it is, but I can say I learn a lot from both of them.
I was expecting to do the scene with either Michelle or Phuminat. But, Phumi didn't come so we did the scene with Trym aka Tod. Before we talk about my experiences under the direction of Mr. Moss, I want to talk about the problems I'm having with my part. Well, my character is a pretty normal-girl-next-door person. She has nothing special about her that I can portray, nothing quite outstanding about her, and nothing in the script that actually makes her a striking person. Just a normal person. How do we do that? Yes I agree that playing a person closer to what your personality is like is easy, but for me, doing that is just the opposite. I LOVE exaggeration, natural just isn't my thing. Well, this will help me improve my acting SO MUCH. Ok then, off to the director. Mr. Moss is brilliant! He starts by setting us in the mood and feeling of the character. Like for example, he makes Trym say his alphabets in his character and makes him jump up and down like a 8 year old kid. He makes us ALL do this, and now I feel like I wanna be Tod too. IT IS WAY EASIER TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT THEN SOMEONE YOU ARE IN ACTING. So being Tod should be easy peasy. When we do start acting, I really honestly do not know how to be an actual normal person. Weird isn't it? And my volume is too small! Oh no. This is making it even harder for me. How to sound feminine, natural, and normal at an audio level of 1000000000000000000 decibels (or maybe just at a louder sound. hehe)? But I can sort of do it because of my previous singing experience? Still, its tough.
ANOTHER THING. once we got into the rhythm of actually speaking our parts and running through the scene. Mr. Moss asks us to DROP THE SCRIPT. =O shocking. I was not prepared but this honestly helped me BE myself, think and react as a person not just as an actor reading off a script. It was for once, natural. Surprisingly, I actually knew some parts of it. Yes, this is good training for not only my memory, but natural response and quick thinking on my feet. Overall, it was an invigorating rehearsal. I look forward to being directed by both Mr. Moss & Mrs. Marshall, they both provide VERY VERY high quality input that renews me as an actor. I learn so much, and by combining both their views, my learning experiences increase ten-fold.
Get that high decibel volume from the diaphragm. React naturally. BE my character. Listen to my "blind date". No overdoing the actions. Be aware of the setting (in a restaurant) and how my character would respond to the "blind date" being the way he is (namely Trym's character. haha)
Thats all for now.
productivity at its best!
Today's rehearsal was different. Mr. Moss was directing and his style of teaching is in a whole new dimension from Mrs. Marshall. Different it is, but I can say I learn a lot from both of them.
I was expecting to do the scene with either Michelle or Phuminat. But, Phumi didn't come so we did the scene with Trym aka Tod. Before we talk about my experiences under the direction of Mr. Moss, I want to talk about the problems I'm having with my part. Well, my character is a pretty normal-girl-next-door person. She has nothing special about her that I can portray, nothing quite outstanding about her, and nothing in the script that actually makes her a striking person. Just a normal person. How do we do that? Yes I agree that playing a person closer to what your personality is like is easy, but for me, doing that is just the opposite. I LOVE exaggeration, natural just isn't my thing. Well, this will help me improve my acting SO MUCH. Ok then, off to the director. Mr. Moss is brilliant! He starts by setting us in the mood and feeling of the character. Like for example, he makes Trym say his alphabets in his character and makes him jump up and down like a 8 year old kid. He makes us ALL do this, and now I feel like I wanna be Tod too. IT IS WAY EASIER TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT THEN SOMEONE YOU ARE IN ACTING. So being Tod should be easy peasy. When we do start acting, I really honestly do not know how to be an actual normal person. Weird isn't it? And my volume is too small! Oh no. This is making it even harder for me. How to sound feminine, natural, and normal at an audio level of 1000000000000000000 decibels (or maybe just at a louder sound. hehe)? But I can sort of do it because of my previous singing experience? Still, its tough.
ANOTHER THING. once we got into the rhythm of actually speaking our parts and running through the scene. Mr. Moss asks us to DROP THE SCRIPT. =O shocking. I was not prepared but this honestly helped me BE myself, think and react as a person not just as an actor reading off a script. It was for once, natural. Surprisingly, I actually knew some parts of it. Yes, this is good training for not only my memory, but natural response and quick thinking on my feet. Overall, it was an invigorating rehearsal. I look forward to being directed by both Mr. Moss & Mrs. Marshall, they both provide VERY VERY high quality input that renews me as an actor. I learn so much, and by combining both their views, my learning experiences increase ten-fold.
Get that high decibel volume from the diaphragm. React naturally. BE my character. Listen to my "blind date". No overdoing the actions. Be aware of the setting (in a restaurant) and how my character would respond to the "blind date" being the way he is (namely Trym's character. haha)
Thats all for now.
productivity at its best!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Actor's Journal #7 - Let open the flood gates
I was not at all prepared for what was about to come today. Today was scary, today was stressful, today was INTIMIDATING. But I will overcome, because it is me.
I came in for rehearsal today feeling somewhat prepared maybe? Prepared to enjoy rehearsal, to learn more about my character and lines. Sadly mistaken, because when we came in, Mr. Moss literally let open the flood gates of due dates and assignments. I'm not going to go into detail about what he said, just an overall summary.
Me & Michelle -
Stage helper (set + lights)
12th - 14th Feb 2009
Dorsett Hotel
Trym, Tilly, Mark & Poo -
Prop design, set design, lights design, sound design.
17th, 19th, 20th March and maybe one at night on the 18th/19th
duration:40 minutes
Due Dates
13th Feb - Class discussion over lunch about costumes
24th Feb - Off book rehearsals aka lines to be memorized
10th March - Completion of costumes, hand props, set, lights & sounds
12th, 13th March - Dress rehearsals
18th/19th March - Possible night show
17th. 19th. 20th March - SHOW DAY 1130am
20th March - Research presentation (vietnam)
25th March - Rehearsal journals due
SO MANY THINGS TO DO. plus there we will be assistants to the year 13s in directing Chicken Bones for the Teenage Soup, helping out Cats production by the Primary kids and costume design. WOW. COMMITMENT.
After the flood of information. We finally get down to work on Check, Please. I really really did bad. >_< and because I admit, I didn't really analyze my character, didn't internalize her, didn't know how she felt or what she was thinking. I was basically being me. BAD MOVE. We started out feeling VERY awkward. I was uncomfortable and so was Michelle (Louis). It was just all wrong. I wasn't IN my part at all, and that just made every action I took seem on the surface. Like any random Malaysian acting, it seemed fake. I was trying too hard, I needed to be relaxed, I needed to KNOW MY PART. I needed to react as if this is exactly how I would react given me in the situation. What Mrs. Marshall said was really really helpful. My gestures where too exaggerated and I was looking more to the audience than my "blind date". The tips she gave me on body language, stillness yet intense, less being more really really made sense. But somehow I just didn't pull it off. It needs work, and later on, Michelle and I did work on it :) Its a teeny bit better now. hehe. Doing it over and over again, you just know what is going to happen next, and when you know what is happening, the nerves don't spike, when the nerves don't spike, you actually listen to what the opposite party is saying, which makes it more natural, and therefore NOT fake. For me, the only way that can happen is if i read it again and again until I know it like the back of my hand.
I go back home to re-analyse my character.
Who am I?
I am a girl. A girl so frustrated of being alone and envious of couples that I decide to overcome that by throwing myself into blind date after blind date until I meet THE ONE. I'm in my late 20's (26/27) you see and thinking that maybe I should be prepared to settle down by now. I work in a bank where male and female interact frequently. But no, this has no advantage for me because most of my colleagues are in couples, and even the single ones have blossoming love lives outside work.
What do I want?
Pretty obvious, I want to get a boyfriend that suits my NEEDS. sweet, thoughtful, considerate, hardworking, romantic, successful, responsible.....and the list goes on.
What's in my way?
Weird characters that take me out to dinner, which makes my life even more frustrating as I go from date to date. I may possibly expect less and less from each date, thinking maybe I set my standards at an unreachable height.
What do I do to get what I want?
I'm open when we're on the date. I am ready to think that maybe the guy I'm on the date with is THE ONE, I try to appear funny, get the conversation flowing smoothly. My goal is to get a boyfriend. So, all my questions are aimed at more personal information, but still to a certain extent. There has to be laughter then trust will follow soon. I get dressed up well, hoping to have a better first impression, and maybe search on the internet about body language and how to appear open and comfortable. DESPERATION AT ITS MAXIMUM. I maybe practice facial expression in front of the mirror and prepare conversational topics to keep the awkwardness to a minimum. Basically get a crash course on "Dating Language For Dummies".
Knowing exactly how to react, yet make it natural. Do not overdo actions (which I really tend to do A LOT) yet make some of them obvious. Be a different person on stage then the one I am in real life. I am her. She is not me. Look at Michelle and think : GUY
I am psyched for tomorrow's rehearsal :D
I was not at all prepared for what was about to come today. Today was scary, today was stressful, today was INTIMIDATING. But I will overcome, because it is me.
I came in for rehearsal today feeling somewhat prepared maybe? Prepared to enjoy rehearsal, to learn more about my character and lines. Sadly mistaken, because when we came in, Mr. Moss literally let open the flood gates of due dates and assignments. I'm not going to go into detail about what he said, just an overall summary.
Me & Michelle -
Stage helper (set + lights)
12th - 14th Feb 2009
Dorsett Hotel
Trym, Tilly, Mark & Poo -
Prop design, set design, lights design, sound design.
17th, 19th, 20th March and maybe one at night on the 18th/19th
duration:40 minutes
Due Dates
13th Feb - Class discussion over lunch about costumes
24th Feb - Off book rehearsals aka lines to be memorized
10th March - Completion of costumes, hand props, set, lights & sounds
12th, 13th March - Dress rehearsals
18th/19th March - Possible night show
17th. 19th. 20th March - SHOW DAY 1130am
20th March - Research presentation (vietnam)
25th March - Rehearsal journals due
SO MANY THINGS TO DO. plus there we will be assistants to the year 13s in directing Chicken Bones for the Teenage Soup, helping out Cats production by the Primary kids and costume design. WOW. COMMITMENT.
After the flood of information. We finally get down to work on Check, Please. I really really did bad. >_< and because I admit, I didn't really analyze my character, didn't internalize her, didn't know how she felt or what she was thinking. I was basically being me. BAD MOVE. We started out feeling VERY awkward. I was uncomfortable and so was Michelle (Louis). It was just all wrong. I wasn't IN my part at all, and that just made every action I took seem on the surface. Like any random Malaysian acting, it seemed fake. I was trying too hard, I needed to be relaxed, I needed to KNOW MY PART. I needed to react as if this is exactly how I would react given me in the situation. What Mrs. Marshall said was really really helpful. My gestures where too exaggerated and I was looking more to the audience than my "blind date". The tips she gave me on body language, stillness yet intense, less being more really really made sense. But somehow I just didn't pull it off. It needs work, and later on, Michelle and I did work on it :) Its a teeny bit better now. hehe. Doing it over and over again, you just know what is going to happen next, and when you know what is happening, the nerves don't spike, when the nerves don't spike, you actually listen to what the opposite party is saying, which makes it more natural, and therefore NOT fake. For me, the only way that can happen is if i read it again and again until I know it like the back of my hand.
I go back home to re-analyse my character.
Who am I?
I am a girl. A girl so frustrated of being alone and envious of couples that I decide to overcome that by throwing myself into blind date after blind date until I meet THE ONE. I'm in my late 20's (26/27) you see and thinking that maybe I should be prepared to settle down by now. I work in a bank where male and female interact frequently. But no, this has no advantage for me because most of my colleagues are in couples, and even the single ones have blossoming love lives outside work.
What do I want?
Pretty obvious, I want to get a boyfriend that suits my NEEDS. sweet, thoughtful, considerate, hardworking, romantic, successful, responsible.....and the list goes on.
What's in my way?
Weird characters that take me out to dinner, which makes my life even more frustrating as I go from date to date. I may possibly expect less and less from each date, thinking maybe I set my standards at an unreachable height.
What do I do to get what I want?
I'm open when we're on the date. I am ready to think that maybe the guy I'm on the date with is THE ONE, I try to appear funny, get the conversation flowing smoothly. My goal is to get a boyfriend. So, all my questions are aimed at more personal information, but still to a certain extent. There has to be laughter then trust will follow soon. I get dressed up well, hoping to have a better first impression, and maybe search on the internet about body language and how to appear open and comfortable. DESPERATION AT ITS MAXIMUM. I maybe practice facial expression in front of the mirror and prepare conversational topics to keep the awkwardness to a minimum. Basically get a crash course on "Dating Language For Dummies".
Knowing exactly how to react, yet make it natural. Do not overdo actions (which I really tend to do A LOT) yet make some of them obvious. Be a different person on stage then the one I am in real life. I am her. She is not me. Look at Michelle and think : GUY
I am psyched for tomorrow's rehearsal :D
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Actor's Journal #6 - The Reading
Walking in again to drama class and......I was feeling like a blank page. I wasn't worried about the tabloid performance thing, but i wasn't so confident about it either. Oh well, either way, we did not present it. haha! Did Mr. Moss forget about it? I kind of hope so, because I KNOW that I have yet to perfect it. This week has been awfully busy.
Anyway, I walk in to find everyone there already. Phuminat hands me a form, something about TAPS. I read through it again and realise : Oh hey! I AM excited about TAPS. Its like real life exposure to ACTORS from around the world. And if the teachers are anything LIKE Mr. Moss. woohoo!
Details of TAPS
Date : 5th - 7th Feb
em....thats it. HAHA. I miss 2 days of school but will still go to church on friday evening and saturday morning. ITS MY CHOICE, DON'T ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT IT.
So anyway, brief explanation about what we are going to do during TAPS and ASSIGNMENT***! NEW ASSIGNMENT. again?! But this one is a fun one....kinda, what we are supposed to do is act as tour guides to the TAPS members for thursday afternoon. We start at the Jetty, head along Armenian Street, pass through Little India and Chinatown (does Penang even have one?!) in 3 hours. A measely 3 hours with has lunch included. Tough job. We're just going to have to pinpoint awesome places for them to go and sight see. Now here's the tricky part, among the places that we pinpoint, MOST of them have to be stimuli for the beginning & development of a drama/play. That can be anything! ARGH this is hard, but lucky we're doing this in groups and I'm with Tilly & Mark. Poo gets Michelle and Trym. Lucky bastards. I want Michelle & Poo.
Next up, we read the play
WE READ THE PLAY! yippee! Now we're talking.
Title : Check, Please
Creator : Jonathan Rand
Genre : Comedy
Characters : Guy, Girl, Louis, Melanie, Ken, Mary, Mark, Pearl, Tod, Sophie, Brandon, Linda, Manny, Mimi.
I'm the girl! Which is the main character. SOOOO excited.
Ok. All I know is this play is AWESOME. first time reading through it and i'm already hooked! It is so funny, so cute and soooo hilarious! But during the reading, I think I didn't portray the girl wonderfully, I thought yes, maybe Michelle (who was originally supposed to do it) should play the part, but it is fun! AND this would really develop some skills of mine that I never knew before. I have to learn to be natural yet exaggerating the important bits, learn to flow with the story and gain MUCH trust with the rest of the actors. Its tough but an exciting challenge! Thank you Mr.Moss for choosing me! I feel closer to the character already as I am a girl, in school, and also eager to seek a life partner. ahhh....I'm just so excited to read it some more and the rehearsals! YES!
Goal : To know what the GIRL expects from every date and how she feels at the end.
Now to look for the 9 questions I have to answer about my character! go!
Walking in again to drama class and......I was feeling like a blank page. I wasn't worried about the tabloid performance thing, but i wasn't so confident about it either. Oh well, either way, we did not present it. haha! Did Mr. Moss forget about it? I kind of hope so, because I KNOW that I have yet to perfect it. This week has been awfully busy.
Anyway, I walk in to find everyone there already. Phuminat hands me a form, something about TAPS. I read through it again and realise : Oh hey! I AM excited about TAPS. Its like real life exposure to ACTORS from around the world. And if the teachers are anything LIKE Mr. Moss. woohoo!
Details of TAPS
Date : 5th - 7th Feb
em....thats it. HAHA. I miss 2 days of school but will still go to church on friday evening and saturday morning. ITS MY CHOICE, DON'T ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT IT.
So anyway, brief explanation about what we are going to do during TAPS and ASSIGNMENT***! NEW ASSIGNMENT. again?! But this one is a fun one....kinda, what we are supposed to do is act as tour guides to the TAPS members for thursday afternoon. We start at the Jetty, head along Armenian Street, pass through Little India and Chinatown (does Penang even have one?!) in 3 hours. A measely 3 hours with has lunch included. Tough job. We're just going to have to pinpoint awesome places for them to go and sight see. Now here's the tricky part, among the places that we pinpoint, MOST of them have to be stimuli for the beginning & development of a drama/play. That can be anything! ARGH this is hard, but lucky we're doing this in groups and I'm with Tilly & Mark. Poo gets Michelle and Trym. Lucky bastards. I want Michelle & Poo.
Next up, we read the play
WE READ THE PLAY! yippee! Now we're talking.
Title : Check, Please
Creator : Jonathan Rand
Genre : Comedy
Characters : Guy, Girl, Louis, Melanie, Ken, Mary, Mark, Pearl, Tod, Sophie, Brandon, Linda, Manny, Mimi.
I'm the girl! Which is the main character. SOOOO excited.
Ok. All I know is this play is AWESOME. first time reading through it and i'm already hooked! It is so funny, so cute and soooo hilarious! But during the reading, I think I didn't portray the girl wonderfully, I thought yes, maybe Michelle (who was originally supposed to do it) should play the part, but it is fun! AND this would really develop some skills of mine that I never knew before. I have to learn to be natural yet exaggerating the important bits, learn to flow with the story and gain MUCH trust with the rest of the actors. Its tough but an exciting challenge! Thank you Mr.Moss for choosing me! I feel closer to the character already as I am a girl, in school, and also eager to seek a life partner. ahhh....I'm just so excited to read it some more and the rehearsals! YES!
Goal : To know what the GIRL expects from every date and how she feels at the end.
Now to look for the 9 questions I have to answer about my character! go!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Actor's Journal #5 - Presentation Day
PRESENTATION DAY. The title says it all. Today is the day filled with nerves, emotions, and nail-bitings.....for me. The rest seem calm and confident. DAMN. and my character is supposed to BE confident. DAMN. So nevermind. I walk in class knowing what i want to do and what i want to be. CONFIDENT. It starts out well, I was really really looking forward to drama......but somehow, year 13 has joined us....and nerves spike again. *sighs* when will it stop spiking? DAMN
Anyway, Poo goes first. And his act is GOOD. He chose a 6, so its like, write out a speech, act totally nervous yet come in comfortably, referring script almost all the time. Yea he did a good job, but I really really wasn't paying much attention because well, WHEN WAS IT GOIN TO BE MY TURN?! yea those ideas were clouding my concentration. sorry Poo - u know I love u. haha.
Next was Tilly, she did.....good. Chatty, confident, happy to be presenting her speech but somehow got mixed up with her own personality along the way, AND Mr. Moss noticed it. haha. he's awesome, and Tilly is too!
Next was.....Michelle. GOONESS. She is an awesome actress. She had it to a T AND Mr. Moss said so! WOW. her act was totally convincing, shuffling feet, saying the "sorry" under her breath, constantly glancing down. WOWEE. pressure to be better? YEA
ME. Argh, yea, I think i overdid it. I went out, literally BOUNCING on stage, and accidentally slammed down my book on the "podium" hahaha...yea. that wasn't supposed to happen. But it did. I was really nervous, and I don't know why.....>_< I shot through everything and the comments were : It was a little threatening. Maybe a 9? ahhh....I tend to overdo things? So maybe I should tone it down ALOT for the next performance.
Trym. AWWWWW.....his was such a cute act. All shy and stuttering, only saying something BARELY audible then fleeing the stage. AWWWW.....yea, plus he's white. They naturally look cuter. :D
After that, we exercised more on our tabloids. Honestly I think me and Poo did a good job on it. Tonss of credit to Poo. His indeas? AWESOME. We praticed it more, and Mrs. Marshall showed us how to get more flow from what we were wanting to present. Start from head, down to body, down to tapping, then whole body ENGAGING into the rythm BURSTING within us. I LIKE. I like alot. Thank you Mrs. Marshall. So now, i'm more confident about that performance :)
And can't wait till Tuesday! Cya peeps!
PRESENTATION DAY. The title says it all. Today is the day filled with nerves, emotions, and nail-bitings.....for me. The rest seem calm and confident. DAMN. and my character is supposed to BE confident. DAMN. So nevermind. I walk in class knowing what i want to do and what i want to be. CONFIDENT. It starts out well, I was really really looking forward to drama......but somehow, year 13 has joined us....and nerves spike again. *sighs* when will it stop spiking? DAMN
Anyway, Poo goes first. And his act is GOOD. He chose a 6, so its like, write out a speech, act totally nervous yet come in comfortably, referring script almost all the time. Yea he did a good job, but I really really wasn't paying much attention because well, WHEN WAS IT GOIN TO BE MY TURN?! yea those ideas were clouding my concentration. sorry Poo - u know I love u. haha.
Next was Tilly, she did.....good. Chatty, confident, happy to be presenting her speech but somehow got mixed up with her own personality along the way, AND Mr. Moss noticed it. haha. he's awesome, and Tilly is too!
Next was.....Michelle. GOONESS. She is an awesome actress. She had it to a T AND Mr. Moss said so! WOW. her act was totally convincing, shuffling feet, saying the "sorry" under her breath, constantly glancing down. WOWEE. pressure to be better? YEA
ME. Argh, yea, I think i overdid it. I went out, literally BOUNCING on stage, and accidentally slammed down my book on the "podium" hahaha...yea. that wasn't supposed to happen. But it did. I was really nervous, and I don't know why.....>_< I shot through everything and the comments were : It was a little threatening. Maybe a 9? ahhh....I tend to overdo things? So maybe I should tone it down ALOT for the next performance.
Trym. AWWWWW.....his was such a cute act. All shy and stuttering, only saying something BARELY audible then fleeing the stage. AWWWW.....yea, plus he's white. They naturally look cuter. :D
After that, we exercised more on our tabloids. Honestly I think me and Poo did a good job on it. Tonss of credit to Poo. His indeas? AWESOME. We praticed it more, and Mrs. Marshall showed us how to get more flow from what we were wanting to present. Start from head, down to body, down to tapping, then whole body ENGAGING into the rythm BURSTING within us. I LIKE. I like alot. Thank you Mrs. Marshall. So now, i'm more confident about that performance :)
And can't wait till Tuesday! Cya peeps!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Actor's Journal #4 - Growing Together
I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the class now, but today a tad bit nervous. We're expected to do our speech on our most inspiring person and I still don't know how to be confident without shaking just a teeny wee bit. Somehow, because of unexpected circumstances, we never even get to the acting and just sit around discussing characters, history and feelings. The words extroverts and introverts were flying around the class......ALOT. But anyway, today for me felt like we were bonding as a family, ahhh....that warm and fuzzy feeling. :D
First we go in, then Mr. Moss starts talking about what number we chose. I chose 8 and I told him that. I explained all about my character history, why my character is at a confidence level of 8 and so and so. Here are my points. Supportive family, success was celebrated, failure was accepted and exposure to just about anything. Mrs. Marshall actually complemented me on my points but em.....honestly? I was just describing myself in more extreme terms. Haha. So you see? this was easy for me.
Next we talk about Poo who chose a number 6. His points were just about like mine - family and I don't really blame him, cause what is the center of our world other than family? He explains a little more about how he wasn't really supported in everything he did, so there was confidence with a slight tinge of subservient-ness. There was a little I didn't understand about the little argument they were having concerning Poo's characters history but in the end it seemed to resolve to a satisfying conclusion. *ahhhh*
Next Mr Moss looked for a more extreme number. Trym to the rescue with his 3! He is a DRAMA KING. He starts off his character by killing off his dad in a robbery even before he was born. WOW. Mom gets traumatised by the loss and becomes over-protective over son. She home schools him and literally shileds him from the outside world. Yea, this definitely WOULD NOT be a confident/dominant child. BUT, then Mrs. Marshall says something that really makes you click. The fathers death occured when the child was not even born correct? Yes. And how old is the child now? 17/18. So, throughout the 17 years, the child did not move on one bit? *silence* I start to think about where she is goin with this question. It is possible for a child to get over the trauma of losing a loved one. ESPECIALLY after a long period of 17 years. So here we are, debating whether or not it was plausible. Then Mr. Moss jumps in and says that, when he was young, he had a burn on his face, he had to wear a PLASTIC bad over his head to protect it from getting infected and now he has a slight phobia towards wearing masks. I get what he means, eventhough there might be the slightless doubt that the child could not turn out the way he has, the fact that it is possible cannot be ignored either. This is the complexity of the human mind and their behaviour. ANYTHING can be possible, just as long as you can have the slightest argument about it. People do react in different ways after all.
Michelle's number 4 was next. Hers was the family didn't want her in the first place. *ouch* that is harsh. I imagine the parents probably being young and reckless, during this and that, OUTCOME=baby wanting to have it aborted but doesn't have the financial capability to do so. This I feel really hurts a child. She is constantly suppressed due to the hatred from her parents and find herself being compelled to apologize for her mere existence. This is what was running though my mind when she said it. Perfect set up for a 4 i think. go michelle!
Mark apparently really didn't get the assignment eventhough he acted like he did. His most inspiring character was David Beckham, yet when he said his number 5 and described his history, he was describing Beckham. I AM SO HAPPY I ASKED MICHELLE BEFOREHAND ABOUT THE ASSIGNNMENT. or not I would be as equally blur.
Tilly was kind of abit worse. She was describing this awesome person, oh and her number was a 7, confident, mother actress, dad a fireman, became a model. You could see the impressed look on Mr. Moss on such detailed information! LOL. turns out she was describing a real person. *sighs* So that took time explaining the assignment and how it REALLY was supposed to be.
speech - no more than 30 seconds
tabloid - no more than 30 seconds.
wow. I wrote a pretty long speech. looks like it needs cutting down. Yet again another productive, cozy, relaxing day. NO REGRETS IN TAKING DRAMA.
I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the class now, but today a tad bit nervous. We're expected to do our speech on our most inspiring person and I still don't know how to be confident without shaking just a teeny wee bit. Somehow, because of unexpected circumstances, we never even get to the acting and just sit around discussing characters, history and feelings. The words extroverts and introverts were flying around the class......ALOT. But anyway, today for me felt like we were bonding as a family, ahhh....that warm and fuzzy feeling. :D
First we go in, then Mr. Moss starts talking about what number we chose. I chose 8 and I told him that. I explained all about my character history, why my character is at a confidence level of 8 and so and so. Here are my points. Supportive family, success was celebrated, failure was accepted and exposure to just about anything. Mrs. Marshall actually complemented me on my points but em.....honestly? I was just describing myself in more extreme terms. Haha. So you see? this was easy for me.
Next we talk about Poo who chose a number 6. His points were just about like mine - family and I don't really blame him, cause what is the center of our world other than family? He explains a little more about how he wasn't really supported in everything he did, so there was confidence with a slight tinge of subservient-ness. There was a little I didn't understand about the little argument they were having concerning Poo's characters history but in the end it seemed to resolve to a satisfying conclusion. *ahhhh*
Next Mr Moss looked for a more extreme number. Trym to the rescue with his 3! He is a DRAMA KING. He starts off his character by killing off his dad in a robbery even before he was born. WOW. Mom gets traumatised by the loss and becomes over-protective over son. She home schools him and literally shileds him from the outside world. Yea, this definitely WOULD NOT be a confident/dominant child. BUT, then Mrs. Marshall says something that really makes you click. The fathers death occured when the child was not even born correct? Yes. And how old is the child now? 17/18. So, throughout the 17 years, the child did not move on one bit? *silence* I start to think about where she is goin with this question. It is possible for a child to get over the trauma of losing a loved one. ESPECIALLY after a long period of 17 years. So here we are, debating whether or not it was plausible. Then Mr. Moss jumps in and says that, when he was young, he had a burn on his face, he had to wear a PLASTIC bad over his head to protect it from getting infected and now he has a slight phobia towards wearing masks. I get what he means, eventhough there might be the slightless doubt that the child could not turn out the way he has, the fact that it is possible cannot be ignored either. This is the complexity of the human mind and their behaviour. ANYTHING can be possible, just as long as you can have the slightest argument about it. People do react in different ways after all.
Michelle's number 4 was next. Hers was the family didn't want her in the first place. *ouch* that is harsh. I imagine the parents probably being young and reckless, during this and that, OUTCOME=baby wanting to have it aborted but doesn't have the financial capability to do so. This I feel really hurts a child. She is constantly suppressed due to the hatred from her parents and find herself being compelled to apologize for her mere existence. This is what was running though my mind when she said it. Perfect set up for a 4 i think. go michelle!
Mark apparently really didn't get the assignment eventhough he acted like he did. His most inspiring character was David Beckham, yet when he said his number 5 and described his history, he was describing Beckham. I AM SO HAPPY I ASKED MICHELLE BEFOREHAND ABOUT THE ASSIGNNMENT. or not I would be as equally blur.
Tilly was kind of abit worse. She was describing this awesome person, oh and her number was a 7, confident, mother actress, dad a fireman, became a model. You could see the impressed look on Mr. Moss on such detailed information! LOL. turns out she was describing a real person. *sighs* So that took time explaining the assignment and how it REALLY was supposed to be.
speech - no more than 30 seconds
tabloid - no more than 30 seconds.
wow. I wrote a pretty long speech. looks like it needs cutting down. Yet again another productive, cozy, relaxing day. NO REGRETS IN TAKING DRAMA.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Actor's Journal #3 - The going gets tough
SO HAPPY THAT ITS DRAMA. Had like 2 periods of physics. 2 periods of economics. TIME TO GET THOSE CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING and have some fun! moving those limbs and not over working the brain. Yes, I love drama!
Today -
Everyone gets confused with our assignments. Supposedly, today we were going to make speeches on our most inspiring character/person. Em....I actually did DO it, but I just didn't write down the speech. So when Mr.Moss asks me if I'm prepared. I say no. Sorry Mr.Moss......Lucky Mr. Moss is nice, and says that all is well! He'll just switch the activities planned on thursday with the activities planned today. So thats it.
REMINDER : THURS - Speech assignment.
Ok. Then we start off by breaking up into 3 groups. Not really groups, considering the number of pupils in the class, but pairs more like. I'm with Poo (love his name!:P) Michelle with Trym (I finally know how to spell his name) and Mark with Tilly. We're given a task, think about 3 issues that effects YOU and convey it to us using tabloids (its like a frozen in time piece). So I am stuck, WHAT ISSUES?! Poo comes up with war & poverty, and I still and speechless.....issues?! Haha. I'm slow, I know, gotta work on the understanding bit. So last one, I say drugs. So here we have our 3 issues that we're gonna convey through these frozen in time pieces.
Issues :
- Poverty
- War
- Drugs & Alcohol
Poo starts scribbling in my book how exactly we position ourselves in the tabloids and here's how it looks like this.......

Thank you Poo for making my book no messier than it already is *forced smile*
Haha. So anywway, we try it out, but then the feeling is different and I feel lik different dimensions are needed. Poo suggested that for poverty, we sit back to back, begging for money. Yea thats ok....but I like DRAMA, action and surprise. So I think up something. I take a coin (5 cents! haha) place in on the ground, throw myself ON the ground to and reach out for the coin in desperation! I need the coin, as measly as a 5 cent coin might be I need it! It is MONEY. And nothing is what I have. Ooooo....emotion! Thats what I like. So poverty is settled. different dimensions. NICE
This one....not so interesting for me, I'm a woman, pretending to be clutching a baby in my arms, while Poo attacks me with a gun. Boring, expected, and conventional. But still, I can't think of anythign else to spice it up. EXCEPT. move on.
Drugs & Alcohol.
Once again, we're back to back and we have to look like we're high. Basically look like we're dumb and without a care in the world. can't change much of that can I? Settled.
First up is......Mark and Tilly. They're issues where poverty, drugs & Bad academic concentration. Nice, They're first one was cute. I thought it was really cute. Like she was crouching down and he had his wallet open, as if emptying it into her hands but its empty in the first place. Cute ok?! But Mr. Moss doesn't think so...>_< size="5">Ernie
SO HAPPY THAT ITS DRAMA. Had like 2 periods of physics. 2 periods of economics. TIME TO GET THOSE CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING and have some fun! moving those limbs and not over working the brain. Yes, I love drama!
Today -
Everyone gets confused with our assignments. Supposedly, today we were going to make speeches on our most inspiring character/person. Em....I actually did DO it, but I just didn't write down the speech. So when Mr.Moss asks me if I'm prepared. I say no. Sorry Mr.Moss......Lucky Mr. Moss is nice, and says that all is well! He'll just switch the activities planned on thursday with the activities planned today. So thats it.
REMINDER : THURS - Speech assignment.
Ok. Then we start off by breaking up into 3 groups. Not really groups, considering the number of pupils in the class, but pairs more like. I'm with Poo (love his name!:P) Michelle with Trym (I finally know how to spell his name) and Mark with Tilly. We're given a task, think about 3 issues that effects YOU and convey it to us using tabloids (its like a frozen in time piece). So I am stuck, WHAT ISSUES?! Poo comes up with war & poverty, and I still and speechless.....issues?! Haha. I'm slow, I know, gotta work on the understanding bit. So last one, I say drugs. So here we have our 3 issues that we're gonna convey through these frozen in time pieces.
Issues :
- Poverty
- War
- Drugs & Alcohol
Poo starts scribbling in my book how exactly we position ourselves in the tabloids and here's how it looks like this.......
Thank you Poo for making my book no messier than it already is *forced smile*
Haha. So anywway, we try it out, but then the feeling is different and I feel lik different dimensions are needed. Poo suggested that for poverty, we sit back to back, begging for money. Yea thats ok....but I like DRAMA, action and surprise. So I think up something. I take a coin (5 cents! haha) place in on the ground, throw myself ON the ground to and reach out for the coin in desperation! I need the coin, as measly as a 5 cent coin might be I need it! It is MONEY. And nothing is what I have. Ooooo....emotion! Thats what I like. So poverty is settled. different dimensions. NICE
This one....not so interesting for me, I'm a woman, pretending to be clutching a baby in my arms, while Poo attacks me with a gun. Boring, expected, and conventional. But still, I can't think of anythign else to spice it up. EXCEPT. move on.
Drugs & Alcohol.
Once again, we're back to back and we have to look like we're high. Basically look like we're dumb and without a care in the world. can't change much of that can I? Settled.
First up is......Mark and Tilly. They're issues where poverty, drugs & Bad academic concentration. Nice, They're first one was cute. I thought it was really cute. Like she was crouching down and he had his wallet open, as if emptying it into her hands but its empty in the first place. Cute ok?! But Mr. Moss doesn't think so...>_< size="5">Ernie
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Actor's Journal #2 - something different
Walk in today to drama feeling more brave. Teachers know my name, I'm SUPPOSED to be there and classmates seem nice enough to feel less awkward.
FEELINGS : Not awkward. Nice. Happy. Learning new stuff. Interesting.
WRONG. Today was just another nervous day. Nervous but comfortable though, might I add.
Well today I guess I'm happy because I'm not the last one to enter class. YES. Things like that make me uneasy in new environments. Not in my old school or places I am familiar with. But new places, like Uplands, my NEW school. So happily I await the new knowledge I am about to absorb and obtain from these interesting teachers of mine, Mr. Moss & Ms. Marshall (she's from Cambodia! cool!) We start off by doing quick revision on yesterdays work. Physical character? determined by history & choice. We sit on the floor doing this quick activity when Mr. Moss asks us to look at the back of the room. There is an annoying piece of furniture infront of me. The table. I start to move it when Mr. Moss says "ah ah. nono. that is part of the setup." Then I knew. Oopsy, that is the stage, and we're acting today. *heartdrops* I like to act yes, BUT ACTING IS NOT SOMETHING I'M EXTREMELY GOOD AT. Thats why I went for theatre arts. To be good at it! My gooooshes.
So Mr. Moss explains the set-up. It is a classroom, and we, NEW STUDENTS (hahaha. not like I need to act yes?) are entering it for the FIRST TIME. act that out, while everyone else watches. *heart thumping* ok. I can do it. Its natural, the nervousness kicks in rreal well. Lucky I'm the last to go, cause if not. I would definitely mess it up more than I already did. So after each one of us took turns acting it out (I acted scared btw, Michelle did an awesome comical one!! go michelle!!) Mr. Moss asks us : Do you know what dominant and subservient people are?
Subservient. Hmmm.....heard of it. Never bothered to check its meaning. GUESS : opposite of dominant? (lol. that is quite obvious)
So he starts handing out papers with a list of numbers (2-10) describing people's character on the level of confidence. 2 being extremely subservient and 10 being extremely dominant. I looked at the paper and KNEW we had to act at least one out. Next thing I knew, we were all drawing numbers from this tupperware. The numbers picked we were supposed to act out. Not sharing the knowledge of whatever number we got, we act it out, people will watch and an appointed person will guess the number we are acting while giving comments and thoughts. I got 7! which is cool but hard cause confidence kind of goes against that nervousness that is ALWAYS there heck! everytime I do things infront of foreign people. Tilly is up first with Michelle guessing. To me she acts skitterish. Being excited constantly and jumpy a little. For me I wouldn't say its confidence, but then again, do people act like that in a new class on the first day of school? Nono. So I guess a substantial amount of confidence will definitely be needed to actually go up and say hi to people. Michelle actually guess correctly! An 8! bravo! So Michelle is up next, with ME commenting. oooOOOOoo....butterflies. She acts comfortable. So thats a 6 and above. She acknowledges people. DEFINITE 7 and above. Not much nerves. No trepidation. Gotta be a 7. But wait, I'm 7!!! I guess a 9. and it is correct. Luck. pure luck. I wasn't even SURE of my answer. *sighs* maybe next lesson then.
THEN its MY turn. >_< I walk on set. shaking off those nerves. shake shake shake. okk....obviously not that easy to shake. but I begin anyway. *thinking* poise. arrogance. confidence. bravery. confidence. With all the thoughts in mind. I walk, letting the energy fill me. But then I feel stiff, I wave at people, I acknowledge them. check. I make eye contact. Check. Limited eye contact? My eyes flicker over the teacher when he looks at me. Was that correct? I don't know. Then I slither to the lone chair and desk in the "room" sit down once again, arrogantly, and wait. Mark guesses a 6. HAHA WRONG. but oh wait. people are supposed to guess correctly. SHIT. But he said he was contemplating between a 7 and a 6. DAMMIT WHY DIDN'T U SAY A 6?! but oh well.....lesson learnt. CONFIDENT PPL DO NOT SLITHER. they refuse slight eye contact but STILL the confidence is there. *sighs* acting makes me timid sometimes. Well, basically the rest did good. I like a little bit of everything from everyone. I like Mark's shuffling of feet. I like Poo's overall act. I like Trim's (is that his name?) tense feet when he sat down on the chair and I LOVE Lucy's ACTING. she has already graduated....but that doesn't mean I cant love her acting can i?
So once again, I learn tons. I love that feeling, like a sponge plunging into a bucket of soapy water. Just soaking in all that, now all I wait to do is use the soap and water inside me to clean SOMETHING. I wanna be productive! I wanna show them I learnt something. Thats why....I wanna do my best in my speech thats gonna be presented on Tues. Dear God, help me not screw it up because when I chose the number that I thought I would find difficulty in portraying, I chose 8. SHITHECKDAMNPOOP.
Choose a number that you find difficulty in portraying.
Now make a speech entitled "My most inspiring character/person" in the character of the number you chose.
AHHA. challenge. I will not give up. Yes I will do it. Now let me go find my inspiration.........
Walk in today to drama feeling more brave. Teachers know my name, I'm SUPPOSED to be there and classmates seem nice enough to feel less awkward.
FEELINGS : Not awkward. Nice. Happy. Learning new stuff. Interesting.
WRONG. Today was just another nervous day. Nervous but comfortable though, might I add.
Well today I guess I'm happy because I'm not the last one to enter class. YES. Things like that make me uneasy in new environments. Not in my old school or places I am familiar with. But new places, like Uplands, my NEW school. So happily I await the new knowledge I am about to absorb and obtain from these interesting teachers of mine, Mr. Moss & Ms. Marshall (she's from Cambodia! cool!) We start off by doing quick revision on yesterdays work. Physical character? determined by history & choice. We sit on the floor doing this quick activity when Mr. Moss asks us to look at the back of the room. There is an annoying piece of furniture infront of me. The table. I start to move it when Mr. Moss says "ah ah. nono. that is part of the setup." Then I knew. Oopsy, that is the stage, and we're acting today. *heartdrops* I like to act yes, BUT ACTING IS NOT SOMETHING I'M EXTREMELY GOOD AT. Thats why I went for theatre arts. To be good at it! My gooooshes.
So Mr. Moss explains the set-up. It is a classroom, and we, NEW STUDENTS (hahaha. not like I need to act yes?) are entering it for the FIRST TIME. act that out, while everyone else watches. *heart thumping* ok. I can do it. Its natural, the nervousness kicks in rreal well. Lucky I'm the last to go, cause if not. I would definitely mess it up more than I already did. So after each one of us took turns acting it out (I acted scared btw, Michelle did an awesome comical one!! go michelle!!) Mr. Moss asks us : Do you know what dominant and subservient people are?
Subservient. Hmmm.....heard of it. Never bothered to check its meaning. GUESS : opposite of dominant? (lol. that is quite obvious)
So he starts handing out papers with a list of numbers (2-10) describing people's character on the level of confidence. 2 being extremely subservient and 10 being extremely dominant. I looked at the paper and KNEW we had to act at least one out. Next thing I knew, we were all drawing numbers from this tupperware. The numbers picked we were supposed to act out. Not sharing the knowledge of whatever number we got, we act it out, people will watch and an appointed person will guess the number we are acting while giving comments and thoughts. I got 7! which is cool but hard cause confidence kind of goes against that nervousness that is ALWAYS there heck! everytime I do things infront of foreign people. Tilly is up first with Michelle guessing. To me she acts skitterish. Being excited constantly and jumpy a little. For me I wouldn't say its confidence, but then again, do people act like that in a new class on the first day of school? Nono. So I guess a substantial amount of confidence will definitely be needed to actually go up and say hi to people. Michelle actually guess correctly! An 8! bravo! So Michelle is up next, with ME commenting. oooOOOOoo....butterflies. She acts comfortable. So thats a 6 and above. She acknowledges people. DEFINITE 7 and above. Not much nerves. No trepidation. Gotta be a 7. But wait, I'm 7!!! I guess a 9. and it is correct. Luck. pure luck. I wasn't even SURE of my answer. *sighs* maybe next lesson then.
THEN its MY turn. >_< I walk on set. shaking off those nerves. shake shake shake. okk....obviously not that easy to shake. but I begin anyway. *thinking* poise. arrogance. confidence. bravery. confidence. With all the thoughts in mind. I walk, letting the energy fill me. But then I feel stiff, I wave at people, I acknowledge them. check. I make eye contact. Check. Limited eye contact? My eyes flicker over the teacher when he looks at me. Was that correct? I don't know. Then I slither to the lone chair and desk in the "room" sit down once again, arrogantly, and wait. Mark guesses a 6. HAHA WRONG. but oh wait. people are supposed to guess correctly. SHIT. But he said he was contemplating between a 7 and a 6. DAMMIT WHY DIDN'T U SAY A 6?! but oh well.....lesson learnt. CONFIDENT PPL DO NOT SLITHER. they refuse slight eye contact but STILL the confidence is there. *sighs* acting makes me timid sometimes. Well, basically the rest did good. I like a little bit of everything from everyone. I like Mark's shuffling of feet. I like Poo's overall act. I like Trim's (is that his name?) tense feet when he sat down on the chair and I LOVE Lucy's ACTING. she has already graduated....but that doesn't mean I cant love her acting can i?
So once again, I learn tons. I love that feeling, like a sponge plunging into a bucket of soapy water. Just soaking in all that, now all I wait to do is use the soap and water inside me to clean SOMETHING. I wanna be productive! I wanna show them I learnt something. Thats why....I wanna do my best in my speech thats gonna be presented on Tues. Dear God, help me not screw it up because when I chose the number that I thought I would find difficulty in portraying, I chose 8. SHITHECKDAMNPOOP.
Choose a number that you find difficulty in portraying.
Now make a speech entitled "My most inspiring character/person" in the character of the number you chose.
AHHA. challenge. I will not give up. Yes I will do it. Now let me go find my inspiration.........
Actor's Journal #1 - FINDING OUT
2nd day of school and I was honestly feeling very discouraged. The workload. The RANDOM arrangement of classes. The workload again *sighs*. The catching up. THE UNSTOPPABLE RUSH OF COLORADO-RIVER-LIKE INFORMATION SQUEEZING AND HURDLING ITS WAY DOWN THE NARROW AND ONLY PATHWAY INTO MY BRAIN OF LIMITED SIZE AND CAPACITY.
yes school. the wonderful glories of school. Refreshing for those who have been sloppy during the holidays, but still, for me it was like a cold bucket of water straight to the face on a day that should be full of relaxation. Then SOMETHING happened. I stepped into Theatre Arts.
It was refreshing. VERY. And this time I mean it in a LITERAL sense. As I gingerly placed each foot infront of each other, a little intimidated by the number of students in the class (6), OOO I felt weird. Lucky Michelle was there! She's always there for me, explaining CAS to me, rushing off to guide me to class, eating lunch. I LOVE HER. SHE IS A PERSON WITH THE BIGGEST HEART AND THE MOST GORGEOUS SMILE AND PERSONALITY IN THE WORLD. But still, I'm there, new again, teaching people how to pronounce my name and feeling awkward.
Somehow, THIS teacher doesn't make me feel awkward. Mr.Moss if not wrong. I love Americans for this, they make you feel at EASE. dammit I wish I could have that kind of talent. But I don't. acceptance *pause* peace of mind *pause + deep breaths* DONE. i'm over it. Over that jealousy....... or admiration if jealousy is a too harsh word :P. Anyway, first thing we do, we jump right too it! No dilly dally. Straight to work. I likey~
Task #1:
What are the first things that you (should) do when a script arives in the post, and it is right there in your hands.
whoa. is this something I should have studied for?
Hui Ern : Are we actually supposed to know the answers??
Mr. Moss : Yes.
Hui Ern's mind : SHIIIIIIT. should not have let wei yun convince me to join!! $@%$#%$!!!!
Mark : Are they like....real REAL answers.
Mr.Moss : No.
Hui Ern's mind : phew
Hui Ern's hand staats to write though.
1. Read thru the script. (like duuuhhhh......haha. but I got it right! yesssss! *fists pumping in air*
2. Imagine story - or basically know the plot.
3. Find out rest of the cast. I obviously DO NOT KNOW A THING ABOUT DRAMA
4. Memorize part. (ahhh.....apprently this is wrong. Lesson learnt and noted.)
5. Act out part with someone.
6. Research story. I'm obviously desperate
7. Call director/producer for pointers. And here I am being insane.
So we discuss about it. Lucky I didn't read anything out! cause well you know.....my thoughts SUCK. yuck. I always knew....but like...THIS MUCH?! haha. anyway....moving on.
Interpretation of what I think are the answers
1. Read thru script.
2. Know story plot.
3. Know your ROLE. oh yaaaa.....your ROLE
4. Internalize and analyse CHARACTER. why didn't I think of this?
5. LEARN part. Do you see the difference? LEARN not memorize.
ONE. Character Analysis. Physical & emotional.
Factors affecting physical character
: history & choice
This is actually quite complex. I never really thought being an actor required such hard thought, research and dedication. I thought it was talent! haha. silly me.
Why are people the way they are? Why do they act the way they act? Why do they feel the way they do? Why do they avoid certain people/places/things?
WHY. history. what happened in the past. Things that made behavioural actions HABITS. constant repetition since young. This explains why babies who were dangled from the toe at level 88 of their apartment are afraid of heights. Why victims of abuse are tend to be more loving, understanding yet introverts. and basically, why people are the way they are. Hmmm....logical.
This was a good one. Mr Moss says, "I lost 30 pounds in one day" or so he claims :P But he actually didn't, he just sat up straighter, sucked that tummy in and walked with poise. So he changed the way he carried himself. He changed HIMSELF. So this makes a person, or in this case, a character.
Next we learnt about the acting bit. What is essential between actors? Or do you just do YOUR thing. Act YOUR part. Finish YOUR scene. End YOUR day. And come back to do YOUR acting again together. Sounds selfish and it is. Acting isn't about acting. Its about trust between two actors of the same scene. That bond that makes acting natural, that faith in each other that the words just leave our mouth naturally. TRUST=essential. The comfortable-ness that makes it all real. We were also taught that before walking into rehearsals, you have to have a goal. Its like life, you don't just wander around aimlessly. You make a path for yourself. A path with direction and purpose. It applies everywhere, anytime, any place. And this place is drama rehearsals. LESSON #INFINTY - walk into rehearsals knowing what you should work on. what needs help to be corrected. do it. finish it. find more to work on.
I have learnt alot.
Next assignment was pretty simple. RESEARCH. The origins of threatre.
My mind seems to have expected this and I don't know why. We're researching on South East Asian culture! So for me a Malaysian, its more of a familiar territory. *hmmmmMMMMMmmm* I feel all warm inside. haha. here it is.
Research traditional threatre in the Southeast Asian region.
Select one dance form and one mask or puppet tradition.
Cambodia (Khmer)
Myanmar (Burma)
I got Vietnam. :D
This is actually a homework assignment itself. Say hello to my Actor's Journal which will be graded on. You are reading HOMEWORK. which is personal and means alot. Thanks for eyeballing it.
Till I do my homework again
2nd day of school and I was honestly feeling very discouraged. The workload. The RANDOM arrangement of classes. The workload again *sighs*. The catching up. THE UNSTOPPABLE RUSH OF COLORADO-RIVER-LIKE INFORMATION SQUEEZING AND HURDLING ITS WAY DOWN THE NARROW AND ONLY PATHWAY INTO MY BRAIN OF LIMITED SIZE AND CAPACITY.
yes school. the wonderful glories of school. Refreshing for those who have been sloppy during the holidays, but still, for me it was like a cold bucket of water straight to the face on a day that should be full of relaxation. Then SOMETHING happened. I stepped into Theatre Arts.
It was refreshing. VERY. And this time I mean it in a LITERAL sense. As I gingerly placed each foot infront of each other, a little intimidated by the number of students in the class (6), OOO I felt weird. Lucky Michelle was there! She's always there for me, explaining CAS to me, rushing off to guide me to class, eating lunch. I LOVE HER. SHE IS A PERSON WITH THE BIGGEST HEART AND THE MOST GORGEOUS SMILE AND PERSONALITY IN THE WORLD. But still, I'm there, new again, teaching people how to pronounce my name and feeling awkward.
Somehow, THIS teacher doesn't make me feel awkward. Mr.Moss if not wrong. I love Americans for this, they make you feel at EASE. dammit I wish I could have that kind of talent. But I don't. acceptance *pause* peace of mind *pause + deep breaths* DONE. i'm over it. Over that jealousy....... or admiration if jealousy is a too harsh word :P. Anyway, first thing we do, we jump right too it! No dilly dally. Straight to work. I likey~
Task #1:
What are the first things that you (should) do when a script arives in the post, and it is right there in your hands.
whoa. is this something I should have studied for?
Hui Ern : Are we actually supposed to know the answers??
Mr. Moss : Yes.
Hui Ern's mind : SHIIIIIIT. should not have let wei yun convince me to join!! $@%$#%$!!!!
Mark : Are they like....real REAL answers.
Mr.Moss : No.
Hui Ern's mind : phew
Hui Ern's hand staats to write though.
1. Read thru the script. (like duuuhhhh......haha. but I got it right! yesssss! *fists pumping in air*
2. Imagine story - or basically know the plot.
3. Find out rest of the cast. I obviously DO NOT KNOW A THING ABOUT DRAMA
4. Memorize part. (ahhh.....apprently this is wrong. Lesson learnt and noted.)
5. Act out part with someone.
6. Research story. I'm obviously desperate
7. Call director/producer for pointers. And here I am being insane.
So we discuss about it. Lucky I didn't read anything out! cause well you know.....my thoughts SUCK. yuck. I always knew....but like...THIS MUCH?! haha. anyway....moving on.
Interpretation of what I think are the answers
1. Read thru script.
2. Know story plot.
3. Know your ROLE. oh yaaaa.....your ROLE
4. Internalize and analyse CHARACTER. why didn't I think of this?
5. LEARN part. Do you see the difference? LEARN not memorize.
ONE. Character Analysis. Physical & emotional.
Factors affecting physical character
: history & choice
This is actually quite complex. I never really thought being an actor required such hard thought, research and dedication. I thought it was talent! haha. silly me.
Why are people the way they are? Why do they act the way they act? Why do they feel the way they do? Why do they avoid certain people/places/things?
WHY. history. what happened in the past. Things that made behavioural actions HABITS. constant repetition since young. This explains why babies who were dangled from the toe at level 88 of their apartment are afraid of heights. Why victims of abuse are tend to be more loving, understanding yet introverts. and basically, why people are the way they are. Hmmm....logical.
This was a good one. Mr Moss says, "I lost 30 pounds in one day" or so he claims :P But he actually didn't, he just sat up straighter, sucked that tummy in and walked with poise. So he changed the way he carried himself. He changed HIMSELF. So this makes a person, or in this case, a character.
Next we learnt about the acting bit. What is essential between actors? Or do you just do YOUR thing. Act YOUR part. Finish YOUR scene. End YOUR day. And come back to do YOUR acting again together. Sounds selfish and it is. Acting isn't about acting. Its about trust between two actors of the same scene. That bond that makes acting natural, that faith in each other that the words just leave our mouth naturally. TRUST=essential. The comfortable-ness that makes it all real. We were also taught that before walking into rehearsals, you have to have a goal. Its like life, you don't just wander around aimlessly. You make a path for yourself. A path with direction and purpose. It applies everywhere, anytime, any place. And this place is drama rehearsals. LESSON #INFINTY - walk into rehearsals knowing what you should work on. what needs help to be corrected. do it. finish it. find more to work on.
I have learnt alot.
Next assignment was pretty simple. RESEARCH. The origins of threatre.
My mind seems to have expected this and I don't know why. We're researching on South East Asian culture! So for me a Malaysian, its more of a familiar territory. *hmmmmMMMMMmmm* I feel all warm inside. haha. here it is.
Research traditional threatre in the Southeast Asian region.
Select one dance form and one mask or puppet tradition.
- Story source and (if possible) an example of a story
- Objective of performance and audience
- Staging venues
- Stock characters (good/evil) and how they are represented.
- Performance elements (Costume, backdrop, music, dialogue)
Cambodia (Khmer)
Myanmar (Burma)
I got Vietnam. :D
This is actually a homework assignment itself. Say hello to my Actor's Journal which will be graded on. You are reading HOMEWORK. which is personal and means alot. Thanks for eyeballing it.
Till I do my homework again
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