Saturday, January 24, 2009

Actor's Journal #8 - and the tough gets going


Today's rehearsal was different. Mr. Moss was directing and his style of teaching is in a whole new dimension from Mrs. Marshall. Different it is, but I can say I learn a lot from both of them.

I was expecting to do the scene with either Michelle or Phuminat. But, Phumi didn't come so we did the scene with Trym aka Tod. Before we talk about my experiences under the direction of Mr. Moss, I want to talk about the problems I'm having with my part. Well, my character is a pretty normal-girl-next-door person. She has nothing special about her that I can portray, nothing quite outstanding about her, and nothing in the script that actually makes her a striking person. Just a normal person. How do we do that? Yes I agree that playing a person closer to what your personality is like is easy, but for me, doing that is just the opposite. I LOVE exaggeration, natural just isn't my thing. Well, this will help me improve my acting SO MUCH. Ok then, off to the director. Mr. Moss is brilliant! He starts by setting us in the mood and feeling of the character. Like for example, he makes Trym say his alphabets in his character and makes him jump up and down like a 8 year old kid. He makes us ALL do this, and now I feel like I wanna be Tod too. IT IS WAY EASIER TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT THEN SOMEONE YOU ARE IN ACTING. So being Tod should be easy peasy. When we do start acting, I really honestly do not know how to be an actual normal person. Weird isn't it? And my volume is too small! Oh no. This is making it even harder for me. How to sound feminine, natural, and normal at an audio level of 1000000000000000000 decibels (or maybe just at a louder sound. hehe)? But I can sort of do it because of my previous singing experience? Still, its tough.

ANOTHER THING. once we got into the rhythm of actually speaking our parts and running through the scene. Mr. Moss asks us to DROP THE SCRIPT. =O shocking. I was not prepared but this honestly helped me BE myself, think and react as a person not just as an actor reading off a script. It was for once, natural. Surprisingly, I actually knew some parts of it. Yes, this is good training for not only my memory, but natural response and quick thinking on my feet. Overall, it was an invigorating rehearsal. I look forward to being directed by both Mr. Moss & Mrs. Marshall, they both provide VERY VERY high quality input that renews me as an actor. I learn so much, and by combining both their views, my learning experiences increase ten-fold.

Get that high decibel volume from the diaphragm. React naturally. BE my character. Listen to my "blind date". No overdoing the actions. Be aware of the setting (in a restaurant) and how my character would respond to the "blind date" being the way he is (namely Trym's character. haha)

Thats all for now.
productivity at its best!


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